Pornography use has become rampant across nearly all demographics. It doesn’t stop at the church doors, and it doesn’t stop at the doors of the family home. Silence and shame on this topic are no longer an option.

New Freedom to Love is a live, 5-part, church-sponsored seminar that opens the subject of pornography up for frank discussion. It provides an educational, holistic look at how pornography affects us bio-chemically, emotionally, and spiritually.

About NFTL

New Freedom to Love is created by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America with the specific goal of raising awareness of the pornography epidemic and giving churches a tool to help members and their families. This 5-part, church-sponsored seminar that opens the subject of pornography up for frank discussion. It provides an educational, holistic look at how pornography affects us bio-chemically, emotionally, and spiritually.


Hear from DR.Claudio Consuegra

Hear from Sherri Uhrig







  • There are 68 million internet search queries for pornography each day
  • The top five porn sites in the world have a combined 17.73 billion visits per month (that’s 738,750,000 per hour, 12,312,500 per minute, or 205,208 per second)  
  • 77% of Christian men ages 18-30 view porn at least monthly
  • 30% of pastors report they have visited a pornography site within the last 30 days
  • The average age of exposure to porn in the U.S. is 11 years old and dropping







Hear From Steve

Hear from Wendy

Hear from Heidi


Erik Stenbakken

Local NFTL Producer and Speaker

The harm porn causes is like an iceberg: mostly unseen until the damage is done. But what then? Is it hopeless? No! Can it be avoided? Yes. Can those with a pattern of use (or addiction) heal? Yes! Is there anything the church community can do for those who struggle with this? Absolutely! The power of love shines brighter than the shadow of porn. This overview includes the habit loop, biochemistry, and the influence of community.

Mike Tucker

Faith for Today and Mad About Marriage Speaker

Mike Tucker will discuss how pornography interacts with marriage and relationships. Drawing on years of experience to educate and give hope, Mike will tell us in plain language how pornography use affects our spirituality and give straight-forward direction on reconnecting with God. Healing, grace, and encouragement are the watchwords of this session.

Bernie Anderson

Pastor, Speaker, and Coach

Bernie Anderson spent years addicted to pornography while serving as a pastor. He’ll share candidly about the darkest time of his life and how it impacted his family, children, and the churches he pastored. He’ll also reveal what led to real personal breakthrough, and the power of the unexpected truths he discovered about recovery, sobriety, and freedom.

Dr. Celeste Holbrook

Christian Sexologist and Speaker

Celeste Holbrook will lead an education on female sexuality and how pornography can distort female identity and confidence. She will uncover the Bible’s healthy model for connective, pleasurable sex that super-fuels your relationship. You will leave this presentation understanding how to overcome sexual barriers like low libido, shame, and differences in ideal sex frequency, and replace these barriers with belonging, pleasure, and love.

Troy Beans

Speaker and Coach

Troy Beans will teach the science behind our God-created sexuality and describe how our habits and brain chemistry affect our relationships. We were created to be sexual, look for a sexual partner, and respond to that partner in healthy ways. Pornography is counter-productive to those relationship goals. Come hear this fascinating session on how to protect your brain by making wise choices now to help you have the best sex of your life.


Unplugged: Eric Stenbakken

Unplugged: Mike Tucker

Unplugged: Bernie Anderson

Unplugged: Celeste Holbrook

Unplugged: Troy Beans






Seminar Poster
(11" x 17" )


Seminar handout
(8.5" x 11")


Seminar Bulletin Insert
(5.5" x 4.25")




Seminar Postcard
(5.5" x 8.5")
